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Hiring Rent a Girlfriend SYDNEY Female Only

更新时间 2024-06-01 浏览量 244次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 Rent a Girlfriend - Sydney
工作性质 全职,兼职,Casual
经验要求 不需要
学历要求 不限
签证要求 学生签证,工作签证,永居签证,澳洲国籍,不限,打工度假签证,其他签证
工资水平 $50 / 时薪
工作亮点 老板人好,团队友善,提成丰厚
联系人 0473 196 223
联系我时请说明是在 今日悉尼看到的,谢谢!


Work in a fun, exciting job with high hourly rate plus tips and FREE treats. You’ll get to meet and connect with new friends, share a fun experience and meaningful connection. If you have no experience, or if you cannot speak English, you still can apply for this job. Many men like women who have no experience. There is no need to fake or learn to sweet talk, just be yourself. There is no minimum contract. You can try for 1 day first. Then, if you think that the work is not suitable for you, you can choose to quit the job. There is no penalty whatsoever for this. To ensure your safety, we are careful in selecting our customers and only gentlemen are allowed to book. Rude customers and customers with bad hygiene are strictly banned from booking. You can also request not to see certain types of customers. We respect your privacy, your profile will use a fake name and you can choose not to show your face. Please add : jayzed6688 on WeChat should you wish to apply. NO SEXUAL SERVICES are required. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 从事一份有趣、令人兴奋的工作,时薪高,还有小费和免费招待。您将结识新朋友,分享有趣的经历和有意义的联系。 如果您没有经验,或者不会说英语,您仍然可以申请这份工作。许多男人喜欢没有经验的女人。没有必要伪装或学习甜言蜜语,做你自己就好。没有最低合同。您可以先试用 1 天。然后,如果您认为这份工作不适合你,您可以选择辞职。这样做没有任何惩罚。 为了确保您的安全,我们在选择客户时非常谨慎,只有绅士才允许预订。粗鲁的顾客和卫生习惯不好的顾客严格禁止预订。您也可以要求不见某些类型的客户。 我们尊重您的隐私,您的个人资料将使用假名,您可以选择不露面。 欲申请请加微信:jayzed6688。 不需要性服务。


1. You do not need any experience.
2. You do not need to speak good English. Even if you cannot speak English at all, you can be accepted.
3. You can choose the day and time to work.
4. You can choose to work 1 day a week, or 7 days a week.
5. You will be paid daily.
6. You are over 18 and younger than 35.

1. 你不需要有任何经验。
2. 你不需要说一口流利的英语。即使你完全不会说英语,你也会被录用。
3. 你可以选择工作的日期和时间。
4. 你可以选择每周工作 1 天,或者每周工作 7 天。
5. 你将按日领取工资。
6. 你年满 18 岁且不超过 35 岁.
今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。

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