Rosebery 近新 独立卧室带有独立卫生间和地下车位 包Bills 朝北高层拎包入住
具体地址2 Bunmarra Street, Rosebery NSW, Australia
You will have your private bedroom + your bathroom + your secured underground car park!! 💐Available NOW💐近新2 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms 公寓,高层朝北,冬暖夏凉,视野好。整套Freedom家具和顶配家器,65寸Sony电视,BOSCH Washing Machine, NBN无限量网络。中央空调,楼下华超和公车站11分钟可直达UNSW和医院,步行13分钟到Green Square station. 房东 healthcare professional,北京人。次卧的家具也是新购置的, 可随时拎包入住,次卧比主卧的房间面积要大!!!你自己有独立的卫生间,并提供一个地下车位。特别适合爱干净的单身女性, 无不良嗜好,少煮。租期六个月起。female ONLY apartment . Bills included in rent (合理范围内). 我是业主,平时工作很忙,佛系出租,一切看眼缘,欢迎inspections。上班时间不太方便接电话,最快捷的联系方式是通过微信。Wechat: Jasmine07896 请注明租房 谢谢!
Located on the 7th Floor, the city views are vast! You will have your private bedroom with own bathroom, and secured underground parking spot. Freedom Sofa, Snooze mattress, 65'' Sony TV, and BOSCH Washing Machine etc. Fast unlimited NBN internet. Bills included in rent.
I have received double Masters' degrees at USDY and UNSW, now a health care professional, the easygoing and quiet lady, but super busy everyday. I am the property owner, do not want to show indoor photos in public, please send me the message if you want to make onsite or virtual inspections.
Female ONLY apartment (only you and myself). No smoking/vaping, no pets, no parties, no sleepovers, no oil-fry cooking lady is the most welcome!!! Everything is negotiable!!! Wechat: Jasmine07896 Many thanks!
Located on the 7th Floor, the city views are vast! You will have your private bedroom with own bathroom, and secured underground parking spot. Freedom Sofa, Snooze mattress, 65'' Sony TV, and BOSCH Washing Machine etc. Fast unlimited NBN internet. Bills included in rent.
I have received double Masters' degrees at USDY and UNSW, now a health care professional, the easygoing and quiet lady, but super busy everyday. I am the property owner, do not want to show indoor photos in public, please send me the message if you want to make onsite or virtual inspections.
Female ONLY apartment (only you and myself). No smoking/vaping, no pets, no parties, no sleepovers, no oil-fry cooking lady is the most welcome!!! Everything is negotiable!!! Wechat: Jasmine07896 Many thanks!