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ICASSP 2023[语音之家]

2023-01-03 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

On behalf of our whole Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing(ICASSP 2023), which will take place in the Greek island of Rhodes from June 04 to June 09, 2023. The flagship conference of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) will be held in-person at the Rodos Palace Luxury Convention Resort. The ICASSP 2023 organizing committee, together with our partners and volunteers, will be honored to welcome you in Rhodes.

This 48thICASSP will be the first post-pandemic edition, celebrating the return to an in-person experience and the 75thanniversary of SPS. We are looking forward to welcome back the whole signal processing community in a single venue, after three very challenging years. We are enthusiastically committed to preparing a high-quality international conference, coupled with many new scientific activities, networking opportunities and enjoyable social events. ICASSP’s main theme this year will be “Signal Processing in the Artificial Intelligence era,” promoting the creative synergy between signal processing and machine learning.

ICASSP 2023 will offer a comprehensive technical program presenting all the latest developments in research and technology for signal processing and its applications. Featuring world-class oral and poster sessions, keynotes, plenaries and perspective talks, tutorials, special sessions, exhibitions and demonstrations, industry workshops and entrepreneurial presentations, it is expected to attract leading researchers and global industry pioneers. We are also proud to present satellite events, such as thematic workshops, seasonal schools and short courses, which will enrich the program, attract wide audience and provide inclusivity for students and young professionals. We invite scientists, engineers, and students to submit their quality work for presentation at ICASSP 2023. The Conference will feature numerous networking opportunities to facilitate meeting and interacting with friends and colleagues, as well as with sponsors and exhibitors.

The ICASSP 2023 social program will highlight Greek cuisine, culture, and arts, combined with the breath-taking natural beauty of the island. Pre- and post-congress tours will underscore the role of the Island of Rhodes as one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations.

Rhodes islandis the capital of the Dodecanese group of islands in the southeast Aegean archipelagos. It is located at the crossroads of major sea routes of the Mediterranean, being the meeting point of three continents where east meets west. Rich in historic heritage, it has experienced many civilizations, from ancient to modern times, and features a UNESCO-heritage medieval old town. It offers a cosmopolitan mix of a vibrant city lifestyle, beautiful landscape, idyllic endless beaches, historic tours, wonderful weather, easy access to other Greek islands and many other Mediterranean attractions. It is also known for its long experience in organizing large international scientific conferences and events. Rhodes airport has direct air connections to many European cities.

We are working hard to develop a scientific and social program for ICASSP 2023 that all of you will enjoy. We invite you to join us in this symphony of outstanding science, engineering, and social interactions celebrating our post-pandemic reuniting. We are certain it will pleasantly remain in your memory for the years to come.

Petros Maragos, Kostas Berberidis and Petros Boufounos

ICASSP 2023 General Chairs.

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