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专访:一位天使的离开 父母要承受着怎样的痛?!

2016-07-27 来源: 今日澳洲App 评论22条


专访:一位天使的离开 父母要承受着怎样的痛?! - 1
专访:一位天使的离开 父母要承受着怎样的痛?! - 2





专访:一位天使的离开 父母要承受着怎样的痛?! - 3

“在火车上,我可以看到事故现场,就在Ryan的跆拳道馆外。那么多的警车和救护车,周围是密密麻麻的人群,我一下子就慌了”。Ben得知儿子已被送到了St George医院,下了火车立刻打了个的士,催促司机一路高速赶到了医院大门口。


专访:一位天使的离开 父母要承受着怎样的痛?! - 4


St George医院是Ryan出生的地方。他在这个世界上生活了仅仅2383天,又在同一个地方被宣告不治,短短的生命至此走完了一个小小的圆。


专访:一位天使的离开 父母要承受着怎样的痛?! - 5









专访:一位天使的离开 父母要承受着怎样的痛?! - 6










专访:一位天使的离开 父母要承受着怎样的痛?! - 7



“从最初跟我说‘对不起’,到后来说‘太不幸了’,她的态度转变得很微妙。” Ben说,“事情已经这样,我不是要怪罪于她,我只想知道当时到底发生了什么。我也希望她检讨自己,不要让这样的悲剧再次发生。”


专访:一位天使的离开 父母要承受着怎样的痛?! - 8


















关键词: 天使车祸火车
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Yu H
Yu H 2019-09-06 回复
哈哈镜啦 2019-09-06 回复
土澳居民zObLu 2019-09-09 回复
Tom 2018-07-27 回复
Ryan 的父亲Ben LEO于2015年9月出席悉尼法庭聆讯时,向法庭及公众所做的陈词全文如下,分享在这里,做个纪念吧: Your Honour Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is Ben LEO and I am Father of Ryan LEO. First of all, I would like to thank Your Honour, Court Officers, Barristers and Solicitors, Police Officers, Officials from MSW Education Department, Ryan\'s School Master and Teachers, all the witnesses and the interpreters, even the journalists and reporters, including the camera men who have been waiting outside trying to film me against my true will, though with a good intention which I appreciate. I thank each and every one of you for your presence at this inquest. I think you have done a great job providing my family with acknowledgement, comfort and love. I want all of you to know that your dedication and efforts are also acknowledged. Mark Twain once said, \'The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.\' I believe I have found my second one on that particular day. On that day, 19 January, 2008, at St. George Public Hospital, was Ryan born. For the first time I held him in my arms, looking at his tender loving face, I knew I was born as Father of Ryan. The connection I had with him was the closest connection I could ever had with another human being. My life was completed by him... However, never did I know that my life would be torn apart forever because of him before long. Only 2,383 days later, on 28 July, 2014, I was called to St George Public Hospital where he was announced dead after being severely injured in the head. He closed his life circuit at the same place he was born, without suffering as said. His little body was then taken to a morgue frozen, just as my heart. As add-ons to his tragic departure, the last dinner I had with him was on my birthday, only four days prior, and on the next day his Mother\'s birthday cake was delivered on time... Filled with joy, laughter and love, Ryan\'s life wasn\'t very long, yet it was long enough to brighten up mine and many others\'. He was a gorgeous happy boy with charming and breathtaking smiles. He was very thoughtful as well. When he was 2 years old, he could try to draw your attention pleasing you when he noticed that you were upset. When he was 4 years old, he had stopped talking cautiously when he realised his words might have made you unhappy. He then rephrased his expression in a pleasing way. His such character was precisely captured in his school master\'s statement, \'He loved to know that he was pleasing other students and teachers.\' His tender loving care paid off eventually. There were a little bit less than 300 people gathered on his funeral, making farewell to him. \'His funeral was undoubtedly one of the most outstanding and touching ones among the 20 thousand funerals I have arranged.\' said by his funeral organizer on a one-year anniversary greeting card. To me, Ryan was more than a child. He was the eldest in his generation in both of our family trees. He was supposed to be strong and tough to lead his siblings after I pass away. He carried not only my surname but also all of my hopes and expectations. He was the miracle which redefined my life. He was the inspiration which reshaped my relationship with my own parents. He was my playmate who brought childhood back to me - I always used him as an excuse to buy the toys I liked. He gave me feelings of belonging that with his company I would never feel weak and lonely. He was my mentor who showed me what Fatherhood was like. He turned me into a man from a rebellious boy. He was my teacher who taught me that love was all about caring, compromising and giving. Dramatically at the end, in an extreme way, he showed me how significant a loss could be and how deeply a sorrow could reach. Recently, one year after his withdrawal, something revealing from his life and death gradually came into my view. That is LOVE. Yes, Love, the most frequently used word in any context of Ryan. Just as Your Honour\'s input, \'He was obviously a loving son, who was also extremely loved.\' He was embraced by love upon his birth and had been immersed in love all through his 6 years\' short life. And I was so glad and proud to witness that he had been giving his love back in return. Your Honour, I have no intention to put blames on anyone\'s shoulder. Because I know there\'s pretty much only one weapon I can use to fight against sorrow and grief - that\'s not hatred but love. As a father who has lost his eldest son, I would like to take the liberty of making my wishes to the public: I wish parents with young kids always to remember how precious our children are. Always tell them how much you love them. Pay close attention to them until they reach a certain age. Never leave them under the care of someone that is not accountable. Never forget you are the ultimate person who should be responsible for your children. I wish you all could learn a lesson without having to go through what I have been through. I wish all carers always to remember what great responsibility you are taking when taking a job of looking after someone. Ask yourself if you are willing and ready to take that responsibility. Also assess yourself if you are capable to take it. A little mistake or ignorance may compromise other people\'s health or even lives. I wish all drivers to always remember that you are sharing the road with all other road users. Most of us here today drive. I think it\'s hard to deny that occasionally we may go slightly beyond the speed limit when there are no speed enforcements, especially on well known roads. Also it\'s not uncommon to find drivers being distracted by mobiles, GPS devices, car audio or even just simply being absent-minded for no reason. I would like to take you back to a paragraph I studied when I was a learner: Road User\'s Handbook - NSW RMS * Section 3, Page 50 Sharing the Road with pedestrians It says, \'As a driver you are legally required to give way to a pedestrian at crossings and when turning at intersections. However, you should always be prepared to stop for pedestrians.\' This implies that there is no SAFE speed. It does not necessarily mean that as long as you are driving within speed limit, there is nothing you could or should do. Not being held for legal liabilities does not help to release moral burdens. When approaching a well-known road, especially when expecting children around, you should always be on alert for any potentially arising hazards. Never underestimate the consequence of reducing speed. Reducing speed, even by a little, could significantly alter the consequence of the impact. I wish all other improvements to be put into place for public interests. I am glad to see some positive results. For example the school policy and protocol have been effectively updated and improved. From my observation, I think the road safety issues remain on Darham Street. The need of a pedestrian crossing is still badly revealing. I won\'t give up my pursuit for a pedestrian crossing on Darham Street, a memorial plaque to raise awareness of road safety and effective operational improvements from the Taekwondo School to ensure safety of their students and so on... I wish all these could happen sooner. Because if it happens one day earlier, or even one hour earlier, it could have saved another life. I finally would like to say this inquest has been very informative and meaningful to me and my family. I gratefully appreciate the time put in, the information collected. The inquest will end soon, but our love to Ryan will surely remain ever-lasting. I wish you could forget about my name, replacing it with Ryan\'s name. I wish all the witnesses could forget the brutal scene of that day, replacing it with Ryan\'s bright charming smiles. I wish all of us could move on to embrace our new life with the inspiration of this little loving angel. Ryan told me once, \'Love is the most powerful thing in the world.\' Since the accident, I felt the power of love from my friends who stayed with me all the time; from strangers who had provided us with a lot of comfort, convenience, support and help; from St. George Hospital staff who volunteered to work on weekends just to enable us to visit Ryan at the morgue anytime; from South-west Christian Church group who helped us to arrange Ryan\'s funeral in their church hall with catering receptions free of charge; from the teachers and kids of Oatley Public School who built a permanent garden on their campus and named after Ryan; from Elite Funeral Company, from Southerland Cemetery, from the Police and the Court Officers, from CEO of Macquarie Bank and HR staff, as well as my manager and colleagues, also from so many individuals and parties that I cannot name them all here. Every member of this society has been very kind, caring and supportive to us. I will remember all the love stories for the rest of my life. My sincere gratitude is beyond the word\'s description. Please accept my gratitude, now and always... Just like the tribute I left for Ryan, \'When you were there, I often felt that you were faraway because I could not be with you all the time. When you are no longer there, I feel that you are so close because I know that you could be everywhere - and I believe, you are! At last, Your Honour, can I please make a proposal to the inquest? I propose, for one time - maybe for the first time ever, to end an death inquest at the Coroner\'s Court with smiles. We smile back to Ryan, with gratitude of having him with us once and being with us forever. Ryan, you shall rest in peace! And you shall rest in love!! Daddy loves you forever ever... ...
土澳居民ZibUh 2016-07-28 回复
Elf Clean
Elf Clean 2019-09-10

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