来自Good Manners公司的Anna Musson称,这是有原因的。
1、“I’m here for you.”你还有我在
2、“If you need to talk (or rant), just let me know.”想找人聊聊,就找我
3、“Do you need anything? Is there anything I can send you?”需要什么东西,要我寄给你吗?
4、“It’s really nice to talk to you.”和你聊天很开心
5、“I saw this cute animal video/funny meme today, and I thought you might like it.”这个视频/表情包很萌/有趣,给你看看,你可能会喜欢
6、“I love Melbourne, and I can’t wait until I can visit you again.”我爱墨尔本,好想再次见到你
7、“Would you like me to send you a present in the post?”我寄你个礼物好不好?
8、“Let’s do a Zoom dinner/drinks/games night this Friday.”周五晚Zoom见
9、“Here’s a playlist I made for you.”听听我为你列的歌单
10、“I just saw this movie and I loved it, you should check it out.”这部电影很棒,推荐你看
11、“Hello, how are you?”你最近好吗