受害人约好见面时间和地点, 用现金进行面对面交换汇交易。在交易期间,骗子把受害人身上的现金抢走。
在某些情况下,骗子手持武器攻击并威胁受害人。 Burwood警区指挥部警察拘捕及起诉了几位有关换汇抢劫案人士。
警方提醒大众小心这些兑换货币的趋势, 在打算进行货币兑换时要多注意。并鼓励大众在进行兑换货币时,使用信誉良好的汇款公司,以确保人生和财物安全。
Police attached to Burwood Police Area Command have observed an emerging practice in 2020 / 2021, whereby members of our local community are being targeted in currency exchange robberies in the Burwood area.
During these offences, the victims organised to exchange Australian currency into Chinese currency via social media applications with other members of the community.
The victims arrange a time and place to meet to carryout the exchange. In certain instances, the victims have attended the meeting with cash to complete the exchange and are confronted by the offenders and the money is stolen.
In some cases, the offenders have assaulted and threatened the victims. There have also been cases where the offenders have been armed with weapons. Police from Burwood Police Area Command have arrested and charged several people during 2020 and 2021 in relation to these offences.
Police are urging that members of the community be mindful of this emerging trend when intending on exchanging currency.
Police recommend that members of the community utilise reputable money transfer companies when making currency exchanges to ensure that they are not targeted in these offences.