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大使疫情手记 (双语7) —— 疫情之下,权限之上

2020-04-03 来源: VermilionArt朱雀画廊 评论0条

大使疫情手记 (双语7) —— 疫情之下,权限之上 - 1

作者:Geoff Raby



前澳大利亚驻华大使、艺术收藏家、经济学家、专栏作家 Dr Geoff Raby AO 原计划于二月底返回北京,后因疫情爆发滞留悉尼。朱雀艺术特别开设【号外】专栏,连载大使的疫情手记。今日连载至第7篇。





大使疫情手记 (双语7) —— 疫情之下,权限之上 - 2




大使疫情手记 (双语7) —— 疫情之下,权限之上 - 3




大使疫情手记 (双语7) —— 疫情之下,权限之上 - 4

Geoff Raby’s Pandemic Journal 7

Rights and Writing in the Emergency

By the time I wake up tomorrow morning, COVID-19 infections globally will have passed 1 million, or it might be before I go to bed tomorrow evening, but it will happen tomorrow. It will be a big deal and the media will breathlessly report this.  

The death rate is now growing much faster than the rate of infections. Our national government is seeing some encouragement in the fourth straight day of a lower rate of new infections but is careful not to encourage any hope that the restrictions will begin to be eased. In fact, this morning the NSW police commissioner announced that the lock down must continue for another 90 days! Today, now with the crushing repetitiveness of daily life, that feels to be a very long way off.

The police seem to be taking more of a leadership role in the day-to-day management of the emergency. I would have thought the Premier or health authorities would be delivering the bad news that we won’t be getting of our houses and going to the local pub until at least the start of August. The police commissioner is also the sole authority it would seem now as to whether ill, hapless, passengers on the dreadful cruise ships that have been sent away from Australian ports will be able to disembark for medical care.  

The police are also being busy fining people on the spot if they breach the social distancing rules and guidelines. Bars are reportedly being closed down if groups of more than two happen to congregate.  

A lack of clarity continues over what one can actually do, or not. I have been debating online with friends today whether it is ok to meet somewhere one-on-one and wander around chatting and drinking coffee. Government statements certainly suggest it is not, but equally it is permissible to be in a micro-group of two. Authoritarian regimes work like this. Ambiguity requires people to make a judgement, to self-censor, and most people tend to be conservative. That is what I am doing.

The guidelines or rules are just that. They haven’t been passed through parliaments and enacted into laws. The Government is probably drawing on some reserve emergency powers. 

Still, it is important to be careful not to let the emergency drive a more permanent erosion of people’s rights. The police and all emergency workers are doing remarkable things at this time to help us all survive and minimise harm, but when rights are ceded too easily to the authorities, it is often hard to recover them after the emergency has passed.

Today I have resumed work on my geopolitical book after an 18-month hiatus. My publisher is breathing down my neck and I have promised a 30 April finish. Today I went through all the files and to my relief I managed to track down and open all the work that I had done previously. To my alarm, it is a lot less than I had thought to be the case and that I had told the publisher.  

So, the challenge is on to get it done. But is made more complicated by many books and papers sitting in Beijing, which is now out of reach.  

The best joke of the day of the many circulating was, “2020 the year your rubbish bins go out more than you”!

大使疫情手记 (双语7) —— 疫情之下,权限之上 - 5

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