那位瑞典“环保少女” 又准备划船回欧洲了(组图)
前段时间,瑞典一位16岁姑娘火了。在参加联合国在纽约举办的气候峰会上,她流泪发表了咆哮式的演讲,控诉各国领导人对全球变暖的漠不关心,认为他们窃取了她的“梦想”和 “童年”。
Via Reuters
Via AP
Thunberg arrived in the US in August, after sailing for weeks from England. In New York she addressed the UN on the climate crisis, calling out governments for betraying young people.
Via Fox News
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg plans to set sail from Virginia for Spain Wednesday after the venue for United Nations-sponsored climate talks were moved from Chile due to political unrest.
瑞典气候活动人士Greta Thunberg计划于周三从弗吉尼亚起航前往西班牙,此前由于政治动荡,联合国气候大会的地点从智利被迁到西班牙。
Via Fox News
Thunberg will set sail for Europe immediately on a 48-foot catamaran with Australian vloggers Riley Whitlum and Elayna Carausu and Englishwoman Nikki Henderson – who is a professional yachtswoman.
Thunberg 将立即与澳大利亚视频博主 Riley Whitlum 和 Elayna Carausu 以及专业的游艇运动员英国人Nikki Henderson一起乘坐48英尺的双体船前往欧洲。
The boat leaves little to no carbon footprint, boasting solar panels and a hydro-generators for power. It also has a toilet, unlike the boat on which she sailed from the United Kingdom to New York in August, which only had a bucket.
The trip should take around three weeks.
Via The Guardian
Greta 说她不坐飞机,是因为飞机的出行方式不环保。但是这个说法,却遭到了很多网友的质疑:
Does this young girl ever attend school? Seems a bit odd.
fyi...."Greta Thunberg sets sail for New York on zero-carbon yacht made of carbon fiber"......except...."Carbon fiber takes approximately 14 times more energy to produce than steel. And nearly impossible to recycle carbon fiber. Steel is regularly and easily recycled".
科普一下“ Greta Thunberg 乘坐碳纤维制成的零碳游艇启程前往纽约” ...只是...“生产碳纤维需要的能源大约是钢的14倍,而且几乎无法回收。钢铁反而且容易回收”。
"zero carbon", you're funny. More crew members flying in jets between Europe and USA to sail the yacht back to Europe than if only Greta and her father had flown there. A miserable PR stunt that even Reuters falls for? Shame on you.