(图via mcny.org)
(via mcny.org)
Thomas Holton has followed the trajectory of a single family, the Lams of Ludlow Street, since 2003. Starting as a family of five in a 350-square-foot apartment, the family has changed over the past 15 years, with the growth of the children and the eventual separation of the parents. 自2003年以来,Thomas Holton就一直追踪拍摄律路街的Lams一家。在过去的15年里,从起初住在350平方英尺公寓的五口之家,到孩子长大最终离开父母,这一家发生了很多变化。For more than a year, Annie Ling documented the lives of the 35 residents of the fourth floor of 81 Bowery—the “invisible immigrants” who live cramped quarters and work for low wages, many sacrificing in order to support their families left behind in China. Annie Ling在一年多时间里,记录了鲍威尔街81号4楼35位居民的生活——他们是“隐形移民”,住在狭小的空间里,拿着微薄的薪水。许多人为了接济远在中国的家人而奉献着自己。And An Rong Xu has used photography to explore his Chinese-American identity with a series of photographs that explore the intersection of “two sometimes polarizing cultures.” An Rong Xu通过摄影试图探寻他作为华裔美国人的身份。他拍摄了一系列照片,探索着“两种有时全然不同的文化”之间的交集。(via mcny.org)
而这三位各具特色的摄影师,用镜头为我们打开了一扇窗,呈现出复杂多元的纽约移民生活的样子。("...provide a window into the complex realities of immigrant life in New York City.")
▲"Family Portrait, 2004." Thomas Holton
▲"Crimson Kings, 2013." An Rong Xu
▲"Grand Park Girls, 2011." An Rong Xu
▲"Mr. Wong, 2011." An Rong Xu
Each of these photographers demonstrate that Chinese Americans have many of the same concerns as other Americans. They have the same ups and downs of familial relationships, they run businesses and participate in community events, and — something which will be familiar to many New Yorkers — they often have to deal with the tenuous nature of housing in this city.摄影师们都展现了这样一点:华裔美国人和其他美国人,其实有着许多共同担心的事情。他们有着类似的家长里短鸡毛蒜皮,也做生意,参加社区活动,以及——很多纽约人都不会感到陌生的情况——不得不面对现实:纽约这座城市的住房资源的紧缺。While some aspects of life might appear different to some viewers, I think it is the normalcy of many aspects of the lives depicted in these photographs that do the most to counter misconceptions and stereotypes.虽然有些观众可能会觉得, 照片里呈现出的生活的某些方面会和自己不一样。但我认为,它们所描绘的诸多生活方面的常态,都在尽其所能地消除(对华人的)误解与刻板印象。
▲These Pictures Celebrate The Deep Roots Of Chinese Americans (via Buzzfeed)
▲"Steven's Walk In Closet, 2014." Thomas Holton
▲"Mother's Lap, 2011." Thomas Holton
▲"After Swimming, 2013." Thomas Holton
▲Both: "81 Bowery, 2011." Annie Ling
▲Left: "81 Bowery, 2011." Right: "From Tenement Series, 2009." Annie Ling