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【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕

2018-08-06 来源: VermilionArt朱雀画廊 原文链接 评论1条


Shan Shui Australis南地山水

Liu Dapeng 刘大鹏


Prof. Paul Gladston


【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕 - 1

四岁开始随父学画,可谓家学渊源;读到悉尼大学艺术史博士可谓学识过人;仅仅过去五年入围几大澳洲主要艺术奖项,Mosman Art Prize (2018), 新州美术馆Sulman Art Prize  (2017) 及竞争激烈的阿基博Archibald 肖像大奖进入最佳前六(2014)。刘大鹏,这位低调的学者型年轻艺术家,将第一次走入更多观众的视野。


悉尼逐渐成为中国当代艺术在海外的一面旗帜,白兔美术馆是中国以外的最大的中国当代美术馆,最近又有了突破。新南威尔士大学UNSW在白兔美术馆基金支持下,在全球招聘产生了第一个中国当代艺术主席教授席位,来自英国的学术界翘楚Paul Gladston 负责主掌中国当代艺术研究。他对刘大鹏的作品给予高度赞赏,将为《南地山水》开幕致辞。


【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕 - 2


刘大鹏于1982年出生于北京,目前居住在澳大利亚悉尼。 他的艺术实践主要以油画和水彩为媒介,专注于风景画、肖像画等类型。从四岁开始,大鹏的父亲就开始训练大鹏进行素描和绘画的练习。实时素描是大鹏日常实践的一部分,并通过画架表达和启发他的作品。在悉尼,他花了五年多的时间研究中国现代艺术的历史,这种经历为他的绘画方法奠定了坚实的知识基础。在大鹏的山水作品中表现出了东西方文化之间的关联,他在追求中国传统绘画技巧的同时,也在不断探索着他与澳大利亚的关系。刘大鹏通过融合中国古典和欧洲绘画艺术的元素形成了自己独特的风格。


Professor Paul Gladston

【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕 - 3

Professor Paul Gladston

Paul Gladston教授是新南威尔士大学第一位中国当代艺术教授(由Judith Neilson基金会支持)。他曾于英国诺丁汉大学担任当代视觉文化和批判理论教授及当代东亚文化研究中心主任。2005年至2010年期间,他还兼任宁波诺丁汉大学国际传播学院院长和比较文化研究所所长。他撰写了大量关于中国当代艺术的文章,并着重于批判理论。他近期的出版物包括《当代中国艺术:批判性历史》(2014),在2015年艺术中国奖中获得“最佳出版物”的奖项。2014年至2017年,他担任了中国当代艺术期刊同行评审主编。他还担任了国际知名展览“变化的艺术:中国的新方向”的学术顾问,此展于2012年在伦敦海沃德画廊 - 南岸中心举行。


【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕 - 4

Portrait of Cao Yin on blue and green landscape, 2014, oil on linen, 91x122cm (Private collection)

【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕 - 5

The Wandering Zebra, 2017, oil on board, 60x90cm

【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕 - 6

Epic, 2017, oil on board, 60x90cm

【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕 - 7

Portrait of Marie Bashir, 2014, Oil on Belgian Linen, 56x66cm (Private collection)

【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕 - 8

Nude NO. 352, 2018, gouache on paper, 56x76cm

【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕 - 9

Nude NO. 360, 2018, gouache on paper, 56x76cm

Shan Shui Australis is the first solo exhibition of Beijing-born and Sydney-based artist Liu Dapeng (b. 1982). Shan Shui "山水" refers to mountains and waters as well as to the traditional Chinese brush and ink landscape paintings. Dapeng's illusive landscape paintings explore the fusion of East and West, the old and the new, and the cyclical nature of time and space. The past bleeds into the present and the present informs the future as the artist portrays grandiose mountain-scapes echoing artworks both from the Song period and the spectacular Australian coastline.

About the Artist

Born in Beijing in 1982, Dapeng Liu is an artist residing in Sydney, Australia. He works primarily in oil and water based mediums on paper, and concentrates on landscape, portrait paintings and drawings. From the age of four he was trained by his father in Beijing to sketch and to paint. Live sketching is a part of  Dapeng’s daily practice and informs and inspires  his works on the easel. In Sydney, Dapeng spent more than five years researching the history of modern Chinese art, and this experience has given him a strong intellectual foundation for his approach to painting.  Dapeng’s quest to strike a balance between the depth of human thought and the quality of technique is a hallmark of his artistic endeavours.

Opening Speaker 

Professor Paul Gladston

Professor Paul Gladston is the inaugural Judith Neilson Chair of Contemporary Art (Chinese Art) at the University of New South Wales. He was previously Professor of Contemporary Visual Cultures and Critical Theory and Director of the Centre for Contemporary East Asian Cultural Studies at the University of Nottingham. From 2005 to 2010, he was also inaugural Head of the School of International Communications and Director of the Institute of Comparative Cultural Studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China. He has written extensively on contemporary art in and from the People’s Republic of China with specific reference to the concerns of critical theory. His recent book-length publications include Contemporary Chinese Art: a Critical History (2014), which received ‘best publication’ at the Award of Art China 2015. He was founding principal editor of the peer-reviewed Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art between 2014 and 2017 and an academic adviser to the internationally acclaimed exhibition ‘Art of Change: New Directions from China’, staged at the Hayward Gallery-South Bank Centre London in 2012.

Exhibition 展出日期

9 Aug - 8 Sep

Contact 收藏咨询

Tel: 0408 993 049 

「南地山水」感谢AUSWAN Creek wines from Barossa Valley大力支持

【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕 - 10

【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕 - 11

【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕 - 12

【朱雀艺术】「Shan Shui Australis 南地山水」— 刘大鹏首次个展开幕 - 13

关键词: 朱雀画廊刘大鹏
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